
Maker of Fightie / Copicake

followed Apples's review comments and fixed bugs, sent for review again

setup CI to create copicake-js sdk for later use :D

users can now use `npm install` in their project to install the module !!

setup upload images to s3 for

Just set up an internal api server to communicate with s3 bucket! Right now the editor can upload users' images up to s3 without problems!

finished back training https://fightie.com/history/3673229A-BC2E-488D-8891-67520753DA86 by

Just reached my PR - sumo deadlift 140kg yaaaaaa

finished chest workout https://fightie.com/history/97E7F0FF-7728-447A-8F28-F5EE877FBC00

setup gumroad product page for

it's with a basic introduction now! Need to integrate with servers to make everything work together!

added a dialog to let users choose whether value & unit should be change at the same time

This is a problem I found when I dogfooded the app when doing workout. easier to use now!

added name mapping & fill color for

Nice! If it's Fabric.js, you also have the opportunity to customize the default selected object controls (make them rounded, different color, width)

Ryu Author

yes it's made on top of Fabric! Thanks for the tip and I think i'll do more customizations later to make it aligned with the overall design :)