
Maker of Fightie / Copicake

got my 2nd paying user wheeee

and the most surprising part is that the user subscribed to the yearly plan lol !! I think this is a good sign for me and I may need to put more effort into my app XD
Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ



Woohoo!! πŸ™Œ


finished a 20-min video to learn some basics around twitter marketing

finally setup blog for

it takes a while to set up "/blog" sub-folder for copicake for SEO reasons. At least it's working now lol

Finally sent out my first 2 mails to early adopters and ask for their feedbacks about

time to work more on marketing and improve slowly :)

added twitter api endpoint for

will use this to fetch tweets and generate demo images

Learned the basics of kd-tree

It seems that this would be the algorithm that I can use to improve snapping feature βš“οΈ

added confetti effect after paying :D

you always need to add a confetti effect for sure !!

copicake-js is ready and used it to generate demos on the main website :D


spent a few hours to write copicake-js and set up unit tests/CI/auto-deployment! Everything is working as expected now :D