Create new service to fetch Twitter followers using minibots class.
Building components for my project and trying to extend Twig files.
Building new page using Layout Builder and Block types.
Create new Git repo and setup auto deploy commands for my team’s project.
Install NextCloud and configure it on my devices.
Altering Drupal checklist API to have a custom production checklist.
Create Postman file for all REST API endpoints and save example for each service.
Refactoring code to follow single responsibility principle.
Altering the full view calendar and show more details on day calendar blocks.
Injecting some services into my custom registration Form class.
Tune PHPStorm configuration to apply Drupal coding standards and best practices.
Install and configure Content-Security-Policy for Drupal site.
Build a new integration service and extend it in sub services.
Overriding Drupal core service. (SessionManager)
Configure mailing system to use SMTP.
Fixing all configurations conflict to unify all environments.
Tuning people view on Drupal to work with custom Masquerade access.
Document all my domains and subdomains in an Excel sheet and start setting a backup plan.
Post Desktime members rank to team Slack channel.
Create new custom script to automate cloning and installing my Drupal site from repo.
Create a new automated update hook_update_N to fill all data missing from all specific content type.
Install and testing the Checklist API contrib module.
Create direct URL to test all used integration services in Drupal site.
Trying and install Drupal upgrade status module and Drupal check.
Create custom Drush command to reset all users passwords and send restore password email to all users.