Export nodes as a Excel file in batched processes.
Create new service to update nodes depend on a specific field value.
Create new custom theme/colors for my openHAB HABPanel.
Enhance my weather station to return 200 as a HTTP code.
Enhance my integration logs to catch any fails if the mapping values NULL.
Debugging composer issue with PHP cli if is different and require the needful PHP version.
Export view results to Excel file using VBO export.
Define new custom parameter using ParamConverter.
Enhance parsing JSON and save the JSON details as Taxonomy terms.
Enhance my implementation of Desktime PHP library to calc productive and desktime as per my formula.
Add my custom drush command to the auto deploy script to do some system checks.
Auto deploy script to remove some static files after process like composer file from production.
Reorder HTML elements for better generated PDF results.
Fetching Desktime user details that matching Drupal user email.
Create new integration method to mapping integration code with Taxonomy term IDs.
Create new integration method to mapping integration code with Taxonomy term IDs.
Enhance my Drupal script to copy a list of files from source to the new source.
Create new script to load all missing files usage and all files with the same size.
Create new script to export all not exists files from DB as a RAW data.
Create new custom drush command to generate PDF files.
Rewrite and enhance HTML markup of PDF to reduce memory usage.
Fixing generating PDF file memory issue by implementing simpleTables from mPDF library.
Create helper function to calculate a score depend on productive and desktime from desktime.com.
Save paragraph item programmatically for field of multi values.
Enhance watchdog and use better watchdog ui contrib module.