Enhance debugging issues by adding a new additional validations and logging.
Generate image styles programmatically.
Doing some time comparison for the content time in different timezones.
Enhance user experience and install chosen module.
Enhance user experience and use chosen module.
Create new module to control Cloudways apps from Drupal.
Connect with Gmail inbox and fetch emails.
Enhance SMS log to show more details in fail cases.
Patch Drupal MPDF library to support Arabic fonts on recursive calls.
Generate and save temp PDF files and send them as base64.
Making all features work in default state.
Trying to write custom Drupal console chain command to install Drupal.
Enhance request header and remove unnecessary headers.
Define a dynamic way to allow more memory_limit for specific pages.
Output some page as PDF using wkhtmlto library.
Alter user logout and fix some session code notices.
Create custom page as a Tableau WDC.
Create new node when specific workflow state approved.
Export nodes/terms data using view export XLSX.
Enhance my Slack rooms report to show exact time of each indicator.
Add patches to my composer file.
Add dynamic validation for my custom form fields.
Automate my Drupal installation using drush commands with my favorite contrib modules.
Documenting my structure of content types and custom entities into one Excel file.
Working on ultimate log and clean some weird logs.