Create new instance and add it to my VPC.
Create new AWS VPC for my scalable project.
Trying AWS CloudFormation templates.
Register on Buffer and schedule some tweets.
Setup a new site and test some security practices.
Trying to replicate the live DB with my local DB.
Add custom icons per URL when add new service.
Refactor standards helper to include standards form IDs.
Refactor standards response helper.
Save a new revision copy of node with custom log message.
Fixing bug when the node saved with anonymous uid in registration step.
Create 2 feature branches from master.
Create new (serial) field for a specific content type.
Fetch temperature and humidity details and save them in my DB.
Integrate my home with Ambi API.
Create new Github repo for my home Drupal site.
Manage and delete some users and roles on my AWS.
Setup Drupal Bitnami on AWS instance.
Create custom Twig template and show some dynamic content.
Checkout Event Organizers group.
Testing migrate D7 to D8.
Trying serial field and exploring how it saves and structure the saved data.
Enhance my website settings by adding custom configurable conditions.