Use new way to get whois data from whois servers.
Collect whois server addresses to build custom whois.
Fix trash and delete forever issue.
Pushed 1 change to emailmask
Add another new integration with (
Add new integration with (
Fix the plain text messages issue.
Pushed 1 change to emailmask
Save selected inputs as a form state variable.
Implement new validation callback to validate the selected inputs.
Start create the AJAX form.
Install the project on local machine.
Create new separate private repo for core.
Create new private git repo.
Start preparing the project on Laravel.
Create Google Maps API key for this project.
Implement (debug) label to keep some messages for debug purposes.
Pushed 3 changes to emailmask
Add new validation to get parent entity details if the current entity is a branch.
Create new state config variables to hide some fields.
Create a presentation for project requirements and responsibilities.
Implement DB transactions for my custom registration form.
Update some contrib modules.
Working on Form states to hide some fields depend on user inputs.