Enhance integration class to have the targeted environment as a configurable variable.
Prepare some papers for Drupal association.
Enhance integrations class to cache data only when success.
Configure Varnish and Memcache.
Clean Cloudways server and remove old applications.
Tune the taxonomy relationship between content types.
Implement custom form validations.
Set an automated deploy process from test to stage.
Create homepage with (test-url).
Create new URL to get RSS URLs dynamically and return the feed as Slack JSON format.
Read and implement Slack JSON format.
Find a library to parse RSS.
Create new sub-theme from bootstrap theme and customize body classes per route.
Enhance and review Wiki pages.
Manage form fields by AJAX and allow user to add more entries using AJAX in the same form.
Enhance catching errors in all browsers.
Write custom AJAX callbacks for custom form.
Finalize my name generator algorithm.
Create VIN PHP class to extract data from Vehicle Identification Number.
Create new route for home page.
Create new local folder for local modules.
Create custom form display and restrict it with a specific permission.
Build a custom node form.