Enterprize stuff
well this was tiring.
organize asana
Monday call @hector @jcmusic13
Morning routine
Book giveaway
We’re giving away Zero to Sold! https://twitter.com/GetMakerlog/status/1290291937631596544
Send hiring emails
car wash day
Work on e2e tests for critical stuff
refactor tons of makerlog code
The frontend is too messy, so tonight I’m going to clean it up a lot.
delete thousands of lines of dead code
I literally ripped out a bunch of dead code + Milestones (will be replaced with a better thing)
Add engagement KPIs/Wharton Index to Grafana
Completely ripped out Milestones
Milestones on Makerlog are trash, and it's time to change that.
Move from Redmine to GitHub issues
Sick of Redmine.
Discuss sticker, hoodie, shirt sale
Call with @hector.
Coordinate next week’s giveaway of Arvid Kahl’s book
Analyze possible traffic sources and places to cross-post
Time to diversify traffic sources. Eventually Twitter will reach a point of diminishing returns.
Post a couple of Twitter threads 🔥
work on the gold club
Marketing minutes
Had no power so... Couldn't do much.
polish up payment processor experience
Wednesday Rest
Fix line breaks in task descriptions
They should finally just...