State of Devs

Developers learn how to dodge & recover from burnout.

Identify my current unknowns (questions) then set them as October priorities

Finish tagging feedback, comments, & interviews in customer research DB

Finish merging & deleting categories & tags in customer research DB. I’m focusing on updating 6 categories to make it easier to see patterns.

Organize, merge, delete customer research categories & tags.

SLC: Brainstorm Simple, Lovable, Complete 1-2 week product ideas for different (sub)problem-solutions.

This image and article was really a game changer for me. I was getting a little overwhelm on how big & serious burnout was affecting caretakers' mental health & how hopeless folks were feeling. By being a co-caregiver myself, this became less about creating an app that suit my ego & more about what's best for these folks.

MVP: Match subproblems to 1-day experiments

Since MVPs are more for my benefit than the customers, I'm using the framework w/ sales & marketing to test customer pull w/ different subproblems & solution approaches.

Merge redundant categories & tags in customer research database. Make it less overwhelming.

Prepare for the week, setup workspace to work offline - no wifi

Read I hate MVPs. So do your customers. Make it SLC instead. -

Re-read The Stair Step Approach to Bootstrapping -

Add, review, & organize my problem-solution notes in MVP doc

Continue review then tag customer comments, feedback & interviews