start converting website from firebase to own api
I'm pretty lucky as in my own case there's virtually no search functionality required - so it works very well in my case. I enabled billing but the free tier is so high I still haven't spent anything for development.
39 bucks a month seems pretty high though - i
@giancarlo yeah it was definitely great getting of the ground, but I noticed those things and thought better I switch early on, than having a bad surprise later on
@giancarlo it isn't very flexible, and I didn't even have tried any advanced use cases. It has its pros and I'm kinda sad to let it go (auth API is amazing with it), but for example, it doesn't have full-text search (so I need to buy algolia for $39 per month), it doesn't work well with db relations (you pay per query, so you'll end up storing not the key to the user, but the properties you need of the user on a different object to not double your costs), also you need to enable billing to be allowed to access the outside network from serverless functions
I am still a bit scared I will regret it in the long run - but to get started it's the best way :)
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