Anthony Lee (He/Him)

Developer on large scale web servers and applications and creator and developer on Hey.CafΓ©! Always ready to help any way that I can.

Added Wordle support for formatting as we use double lines as single line formatting.

Launched on Product Hunt!

Yup it's live!

Been a long time but I have done some work!

Working on a new project and in the process remembered I have not used Makerlog in some time. So hello! πŸ‘‹

Hey.Cafe will use the render engine that was planned for NodeHost that generates UI elements and CSS ONLY as they are needed and in the mode needed (dark mode / light mode) and compiled on the fly

This means the main app will only be a few lines and will render and create all CSS rules and compile the page CSS once it knows if it's dark mode, or what elements are needed, and if an element is not rendered it can be asked for and then will be rendered if it's not been rendered already to lower memory usage.

Generating and giving users .gitlab-ci.yml files for all NodeHost containers under Connection Info for deployment

New update to the pre load image system on the Optimizer to check for webp support

Figure out storage for user media

Was going to store in database or via SFTP to a server but as B2 has free transfer to Cloudflare it will be stored in B2 enabling almost no limit to the files users can upload!

Created endpoints, but also the structure for them going forward