Anthony Latona

Founder & aspiring developer. Launching multiple solo products!

switching to cloudflare

easier than i thought
Ersan Kuit

Hi, I am Ersan from Netherlands.


so this site basically gamifies working every day, huh?

I think some people might want a day off?

Supporting the launch, all day! It's a wild ride.

wrote a new blog post

Finally got my coming soon page approved :)

more launch prep, design work, researching a new (big) idea

client work, & more.

New site design, logo work, launch planning

not bad for what usually would be a lazy sunday :) let's go

Rainy day bug fixing

The finishing touches always take the longest...

CSS debugging

sometimes it just works... sometimes, it fights you a bit.

Got tons of inspiration at NYCCC

New York Comic Con may not sound like the most obvious place but there's something about thousands of people expressing their fandom along with artists doing what they love and sharing it with the world.

Launch planning

Gearing up for a PH launch... lots of planning and writing.