Stephane Mensah
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
bot(refactor store's personal bot)
bot(setup upvoting system)
bot(add sequential field to product model)
bot(fix store's webhook utils)
bot(Model: refactor Product fields)
bot(product creation mutation)
bot(move verifyBotConnection() to queries)
bot(new helper: formatMedia())
setup electron-react-boilerplate + tailwindcss
record and upload IEA project presentation on youtube and loom
bot(created twitter handles)
bot(model: set Product.settings to optional)
bot(pass store id directly to new store wizard)
bot(fix mutations for products)
bot(fix getDraft() querty)
bot(create different bot class for store's bot)
bot( fix user's bot webhook endpoint for user's store)
submitted mobile app online exam
finished first part of mobile app assignment
fill and send ventures application for bot project
bot: finally got new product wizard to move to the last step
bot: updating user bot settings
bot: introduce debounce and fix savePhotosHandler.on(photo') issue