Stephane Mensah

The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Finish creating basic resources for system analysis course' project

The project is about creating a fleet management system. I'm using blitzjs for that. I generated the resources using the command blitz g all and updated each models

new /video command only for superadmin(admin)

this new command allows me get full details about a video by sending the direct link of the video.
Usage: /video linktovideo.tld/filename.ext
It sends me 2 replies: the first one is the video and the second is a stringified format of json response from

link user bot to their group

i just used the code for #347942 and did changes to match groups context. I also made sure to show human readable errors when the code is invalid or a bot is already connected to another group/channel
Stephane Mensah Author

Here's a how i show error message from prisma muation: try{...}catch(error)throw new Error(error.meta.cause)} // throwing the message because the mutation is in a function.


found way to link user bot to their channel

i let them send a command with set of code, eg: c_xyJC to rdftgyhj_qens by id84515151
Then i have a middleware that processes this data when a channel post event is received. Took me days to finally got it working