Stephane Mensah
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
bot(middleware: set user session after signup)
finished section 2 of web3 app course by
bot(misc: update commands)
bot(misc: nothing important)
bot(i18n: improve welcome key)
bot(i18n: add updated key to provide feedback)
bot(middleware: move setUser to own file)
bot(i18n: add continue key to create.account)
bot(db: add plan to createUserAccount input)
bot(helper: refactor getTelegramUsername, isAdmin)
bot(paystack: lowercased name at resolveAccount)
renew domain for another year
bot(router: signup router working perfectly)
bot(signup: adjust steps order)
bot(router: generate buttons for networks in join)
bot(router: add a step for network in join router)
bot(admin: remove logs for /banks command)
bot(commands: getpic is now functional)
bot(database: retrieve files from signedUrl now)
bot(router: generate buttons for networks in join)
bot(botContext: add db and paystackApi to context)
bot(supabase: Yay! Added data in storage and db)
bot(types: generate types for supabase tables)
bot(types: new types for paystack api)
bot(i18n: fix string for unavailable username)