Himanshu Mishra
I'm a maker, like you :)
add option to download individual image and video file.
remove duplication in videos.
show videos in assets window.
show svg in assets popup.
get tabs working properly in assets popup.
show all the images present on the page in assets popup.
get absolute path of images.
tackle lazy loading by getting different src attribute or element.
get all the image, svgs and videos from tab.
fix issue with inspect color palette.
remove spellcheck from rgb and hex input.
create a small div to indicate current color.
add scrollbars to palette.
covert rgb to hex and hex to rgb.
properly disable inspect and screenshot from popup.
don't repeat duplicate colors and bring them forward.
save recent and show saved colors.
show rgb and hex value in the coverter when clicked on a color.
fix issue with dropper and inspect window not adjusting to mouse position.
make recent and saved tabs in color eyedropper popup.
disable pick color button on some pages.
save selected colors to recents.