Bookmarks Manager Are Stale and Obsolete

There is a need for innovation on this subject. Ideas must be explored to find new solutions and approaches.

Current bookmark managers waste our time and information.

5.3 billion internet users need ways to save and organize web-related information, but the tools available to them have been stagnant since 1993, when the Mosaic Browser—the ancestor of Chrome and Mozilla—was first released. Current bookmark managers offer the same features as the original public internet browser. Saving a web page of interest requires pressing a save button, selecting a destination folder, tagging or describing the page, and most importantly, making sure to give it a recognizable title, or else it may be difficult to find among hundreds or thousands of bookmarks. We often save a page to read later, but can't find it in our bookmark library due to a lack of tags or descriptions. In the worst case, we forget to save the page as a bookmark, and lose track of the information. But there is an even bigger problem: the immense amount of valuable information users miss out on due to lack of time while browsing the web. Research takes a lot of time and requires users to rapidly filter through vast amounts of information on each page. We often find valuable information during a search, but must abandon it to progress with the original task, leading to frustration. On top of this, current bookmark managers fail to evolve and keep up, creating a sense of insecurity about not being able to find information read or seen on the internet. This is why a new product is needed, not for managing bookmarks, but for managing web information.

How can you solve the problem in a creative manner? A suitable tool should offer an efficient solution for managing the information obtained online. It would help to overcome the difficulty of web navigation: how to access important information, even after long periods of time. Three key features of this tool enable optimal information management: automatic recording, content enrichment, and knowledge base creation.

Automatic saving is a great feature that eliminates the need to press a button to save content. All visited pages are automatically saved and organized with tags, sorted into folders according to subject, source, and URL-provided metadata.

Additionally, allow you to capture all relevant information from all the web pages you visit. It's more than just a way to save a page - it's a tool that analyzes the content to enable you to categorize it by type (articles, tweets, videos, music, internet search, celebrity, author, theme, etc.). This means that you can easily retrieve the information you're looking for, even if you don't remember exactly where you found it.

Creating a knowledge base makes it easier to categorize and organize information from web browsing using tags and keywords. This way, you can quickly find what you're looking for, even after a long time. For instance, if you need to find information on sales methods for a project, you can locate it among thousands of documents by using the right keywords. Finally, this tool provides a tab to help you rediscover old content. It suggests unfinished readings or new readings related to topics you've been interested in in the past. It not only organizes the info but also enriches it and offers solutions to improve its use. For instance, if you were captivated by an article on the history of art months ago, the app suggests a related article that you haven't read and suggests adding it to your list.

In conclusion, the current bookmark managers are inadequate for our actual needs. A new tool is needed that provides efficient solutions for managing web-related information. This tool should include features such as automatic saving, content enrichment, and knowledge base creation. Such a tool would enable users to easily find and access the information they need, even after long periods of time. As technology advances, these solutions become increasingly available, and the need for efficient, modern bookmark managers is greater than ever.

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joined sadly your pricing model is not demonstrative of the wisdom you share in 3 articles i have read. But hey that is up to you if you dont want interaction. So it implies maybe you have not read your own articles. I would never ever pay to contribute. People when when they experience hard-core benefit. Then its a no brainer. Up until that point, its yuck sales or even yuckier marketing.

Amre Author

@catalystbys Not sure i understand all of your message, i'm a french spoker person, my english level is not very comfortable. Can we get in direct message ? Thank you very much for your interest.


have you posted this on PH?

Amre Author

@catalystbys Yes, a little time ago. What's your though on it ? Feedback ?

Fajar Siddiq

In recent years, web browsers have introduced many new features, such as enhanced bookmarking capabilities, which have made standalone bookmark managers less relevant. Additionally, many users now rely on cloud-based services, such as Google Drive and Dropbox, to store and manage their bookmarks across multiple devices and platforms.

However, bookmark managers can still be useful for users who need more advanced features or who prefer to keep their bookmarks separate from their web browser. Some bookmark managers offer additional features like tagging, note-taking, and integrations with other apps, making them more versatile than simple browser bookmarks.

Ultimately, whether or not a bookmark manager is obsolete depends on the individual user's needs and preferences. If you find yourself frequently using bookmarks and want more control over their organization and access, a bookmark manager might still be a useful tool for you.

Carl Poppa 🛸

@fajarsiddiq ChatGPT? LOL

Fajar Siddiq

@poppacalypse too KEEP the discussions going LOL


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