Jason's Plugins For Carrd

Custom coded plugins, widgets, components, scripts to extend your Carrd sites

Fixed timeline diagram plugin to just use plain HTML and CSS, cos Vuetify conflicts with Carrd - https://timelinediagram.carrd.co/ #pluginsforcarrd

Sent US$1500 invoice for work done for Carrd in April #pluginsforcarrd

Changed X account type to professional, based on advice of SEO backlink guru @philkellr ✨ #pluginsforcarrd

Set up Google Business Profile to optimize for brand search (Update: No backlink), based on advice of SEO backlink guru @philkellr 💪 #pluginsforcarrd

Paid youtube influencer US$25 for yet another month of sponsorship, and asked her about Pinterest sponsorship too #pluginsforcarrd

Day 1204 - $16k indie revenue for 2023 - https://golifelog.com/posts/dollar16k-indie-revenue-for-2023-1713388680443 #lifelog #pluginsforcarrd #indiejourney

Fajar Siddiq

so happy for you Jason!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Declared taxes. Income from indie products for 2023 = $16k (compared to $6k in 2022)! 😯🎉 #outsprint #pluginsforcarrd #lifelog

Fajar Siddiq

glad you declare it before 18th april


Refunded 1 testimonial plugin customer (US$9) as she didn't want the performance hit on lighthouse scores from using the plugin 🤷‍♂️ #pluginsforcarrd

Day 1195 - I'm joining the Carrd team - https://golifelog.com/posts/im-joining-the-carrd-team-1712671938039 #lifelog

Added affiliate link for Famewall to testimonial tweets Carrd plugin landing page because Goutham asked! #pluginsforcarrd

(Post-dated for 31 Mar) Launched v2 of password-protected sections plugin on Carrd Telegram group chat for first dips - https://passwordsection.carrd.co #pluginsforcarrd

Paid youtube influencer US$25 for yet another month of sponsorship #pluginsforcarrd

Subscribed to £15 monthly sponsorship with Alex Andrews' launchfyi #pluginsforcarrd

Created a private repo and backed up my Carrd plugins to Github #pluginsforcarrd

Continued launching the redirect Carrd plugin on other social media channels - https://redirectplugin.carrd.co/?makerlog #pluginsforcarrd

Created MVP of randomizer plugin v2, thanks to @markbowley! #pluginsforcarrd

🚀 Launched redirect Carrd plugin! Phew made it in time for Feb... 😓💦 - https://redirectplugin.carrd.co/?makerlog #pluginsforcarrd

💵 Sold yet another single license mega navbar Carrd plugin (US$30 via Payhip-Paypal)...thanks Walter! #pluginsforcarrd

💵 Sold yet another single license listings with filters & search Carrd plugin (US$30 + $5.70 EU VAT Germany via Payhip-Paypal)...thanks Bluehunter! #pluginsforcarrd

💵 Sold yet another single license listings with filters & search Carrd plugin (US$30 + $5.70 EU VAT Germany via Payhip-Paypal)...thanks Elisabeth! #pluginsforcarrd