Auto Delete Tweets

Automatically delete old tweets

Make payment modal automatically popup and unclosable after trial expires

I'm curious, which payment service you using?

Jamie McGregor Author

Stripe :)


Fix issue where some really really really old tweets weren't being deleted

Automate email informing people their trial will run out in one day

Send personalised email to everyone who signed up for a free trial last week

Send user email confirming their configuration first time they set it up

Change submit button text to "update" if user has existing configuration

Implement functionality to skip tweets if they meet any of the conditions the user has configured to skip (e.g. if they have been liked)

When user edits their configuration, show their current settings pre-selected

If account already exists but no configuration is set up, redirect user to new configuration screen when logging in

When user logs in - If account exists, redirect to home, if it's new, redirect to new configuration screen