120 Days of Game Dev Learning
A project where I try to learn as much stuff about game development as I can in 120 days
studied how to do animations in Unity
studied about raycasting in Unity
another hour of working with Unity
2 hours of fiddling around with Unity
fiddling around with Unity again to prepare for a game jam
spent an hour learning Unity
two hours of fiddling around with Unity
making progress on my Unity and C# concepts review
reviewed some Unity topics
finished that Git and Sourcetree course on Udemy
studied how resolving merge conflicts are supposed to work in Git
starting Ludum Dare with only 2 hours of sleep.........
read a few pages of Holistic Game Development
tried JetBrains Rider, will probably stick with it for about a month and see if I like it any better than VSCode
finished up to video8 of Mathematics for GameDev on Udemy
finished Block Breaker on GameDev.tv's Unity 2D course