What is your tech stack?
Let's help each other with tech. Mine is next.js for frontend and backend with MySQL database.
I've built a bunch of things with virtually the same tech stack, TypeScript, Next.js, React, TailwindCSS, PostgreSQL, Node.js (Express).
Portabella (https://portabella.io) PrivaNote (https://privanote.xyz) Social Bios (https://social-bios.com) Just Launched (https://www.producthunt.com/posts/just-launched-2) How To X with Y (https://www.producthunt.com/posts/how-to-x-with-y) Block Hooks (https://www.producthunt.com/posts/block-hooks) Personal site (https://alexbh.dev)
For me it's quick and easy to spin up things as I need them. Highly recommend it.
I kept re-building the same tech stack over and over, so I finally decided to formalize it in Nodewood (https://nodewood.com), a SaaS web app starter kit/boilerplate. I figure, rather than rewrite it every time, skimping on features to get to market faster, I can just build it "right" the first time, and then not only do I have a great starting point, but I also have a product I can sell and help others with as well.
The tech behind Nodewood (and all the rest of my stuff):
- VueJS (https://vuejs.org/), TailwindCSS(https://tailwindcss.com/), and Webpack (https://webpack.js.org/) for the front-end.
- NodeJS & ExpressJS (http://expressjs.com/) for the API backend.
- A customized PassportJS (http://www.passportjs.org/) for JWT auth.
- PostgreSQL (https://www.postgresql.org/) for database and MassiveJS (https://massivejs.org/) for data mapping.
- Lodash (https://lodash.com/) for general-purpose code cleanliness/succinctness.
On top of all that, I've built the standard user auth/management, subscriptions, application framework, etc, and I can get up and running on a new idea in a real hurry. It was fun to build and "dogfood" for the Nodewood website, but I'm looking to start working on a new startup this month, and I'm eager to use it in a manner closer to how my customers use it, i.e. starting from scratch.
@danhulton nodewood seems good, I'll definitely explore it for my next project.
@pankajpatidar Hey awesome! If you have a minute, I'd love to just get to know real quickly what's most appealing about Nodewood, and if it's missing anything you'd need or find really useful for when you do start your next project. That way, I have some time to potentially work on it before you need it. hello@nodewood.com if you can share!
Vue/Nuxt, NodeJS/Express, PostgresQL for https://vokal.co
@friz Great, I'm looking forward to explore Postgres as well for my next project.
It sometimes varies a little bit, but usually this is my stack:
- NextJS or React
- ChakraUI
- GraphQL / Apollo Client
- GraphQL / GraphQL-yoga server (based on Apollo)
- Digital Ocean Apps (recently started using these, super nice)
- MySQL or Firestore (Firestore is nice for simple projects)
- Firebase Auth, Firebase Storage, Firebase Functions
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