Yet another tips for Product Hunt launch :)

Hi Makers.

So, after 2 weeks of PH launch I decided to share my thought about it. Don't want to copy everything from the tweet, but I'll share one thing which I haven't read anywhere!

When I asked hunter to hunt me, he said that he has a long queue but he can hunt me as "second hunt". I haven't come across such thing before, so I asked him what it is.

It turned out that he is able to feature 1 product per day. If he hunts second product, it won't automatically go to the featured section.

So that's what second hunt is :)

Other things you can read here:

These are great tips! I agree that hunter doesn't matter that much as long as you have some sort of grassroots traction to help (Makerlog community or others).

However, number of comments is incredibly important -- algorithm judges engagement by it. You can see highly upvoted posts not make it -- simply because people are not interacting with them.

In the Makers Kitchen, we found that highly controversial titles increase engagement and rank you up.


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