What do you think of this simple landing page?
The texts are not finalized and not perfect on mobile, but is it too simple?
Is the CTA (follow on Twitter for updates) acceptable?
-I like the color scheme. -As soon as I read the header line "An open-source hassle-free self-hostable Heroku & Netlify alternative" I knew exactly what service this would provide (which is really good). -I think the "(currently)" after the "Node.js and Static sites are supported." should be changed. Maybe replace it with "Node.js and Static sites are currently supported. More coming soon". -I'm not quite sure what "Highly-available deployments" means. May need some more info there. -All in all, I think this is a good landing page. And this service sounds useful. I have customers who want web apps deployed locally to their own machine(s) all the time. Being able to simply push to git and have my apps deploy would save a ton of time.
For the h1, h2 and title/leading fonts, maybe a lighter font weight might give it better readability.
Other than that - good work!
@poppacalypse Thank you! I was thinking the same, but I like the bold font. :) I will consider.
@andrasbacsai no worries, it's all personal preference!
i always say - do more of what makes you happy :)
Overall it looks clean. I'd do something with that Github logo and maybe rephrase "Who is the target audience?", not so catchy.
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