How did your first time selling a product IRL go?

I'm about to pitch my services to some local restaurants, I live in a very low tech region of the U.S. Very rural and low internet culture access so very little people know how to make these things. I took it into my own hands to start making these menus for local businesses, then I'm going to show up with some printed out and pitch the service.

I'm just curious about yalls experience, how did it go when you tried to pitch a service for the very first time in person?

Faiz | Metronome
  1. I once had a startup that was trying to make it easy for small restaurants to sign up influencers to promote their business on social media.

  2. I’m in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, a relatively tech-savvy part of the world.

Some of the challenges I faced:

a) getting the owner’s time to sit down and listen to the pitch b) most places we went to, the owner (or main decision-maker) wasn’t there c) getting them to understand the solution involved a LOT of layman-speak

My suggestions to you would be:

  1. Go during off-peak hours, best time would be after the lunch crowd dissipates
  2. Try and map out ahead of time the restaurants you want to go to, and if possible call ahead to set an appointment with the owner/decision-maker
  3. In your specific case, be prepared to make it as layman as possible - avoid technical jargon, or they’ll just gloss over what you said
  4. Be prepared to be exhausted - not from the visits, but from the disappointment that people just don’t understand what you’re trying to sell

Best of luck!

Bryce Rohrer Author

@FaizMetronome I'll let you know how the next few go, the first one already had QR code menu's and I didn't even know!


I'll let you know when I get there 😬


@Mike_Miner In all seriousness, Your product seems to fit really well into those who're trying to adapt to the COVID situation. There's a lot of uncertainty on how to best use technology amongst the older owners of these establishments, You might be onto an easy win when you show the benefits to them.

Just remember, you're not selling your product, you're selling the value it can make for the customer.


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