Discussion about the Makerlog Top Streak Algo

hey sergio, hey Makerlog community,

as some might have noticed, Sergio wants to change the Top Streaks list (the algorithm). In my opinion this is even overdue.

I would like to use this thread to support Sergio a little bit and collect ideas for him which he can use or maybe implement.

My opinion

In my opinion, I would not even put these stats on the start page or the log list. Basically Hobby Makers have little chance against me (and others) to handle the amount of logs / fixes / issues. Since I do it professionally and "work" more than 10 hours a day anyway.

Therefore it might be advisable to create a stats page and use different parameters on the start page. But first you have to clarify what Makerlog is and should be. Should Makerlog bring Maker together? or should makerlog only be a kind of log diary?

What I miss

  • It is missing that new Maker to be welcomed better. Solution: So you could display the latest Maker. A kind of welcome box
  • A kind of courage box. in this box you can praise makers who have written a log in the last hour

If you still want to show the top streaks, you can put a lot into the algorhythm.

  • has the user already logged in to makerlog today?
  • number of started threads in the last month / week
  • number of replies of the last week / month
    • i.e. activity in the community
  • has the user launched / finished any project this week / month?
  • include the number of the praises he got

these parameters would support the social life at Makerlog, too.

if anyone still has ideas, feel free to write them in here. @sergio, I hope this helps you a little. Thanks for Makerlog.

Thanks so much for the feedback. Noted. I agree with you on many points and I'll write a detailed reply in a bit.

Fabio Rosado

Warning: Massive rambling here!

This is some great feedback @dehenne and agree with every bit on your post. Also as Sergio tried to break away from the "Ship every day!" we still see logs that just say "Having a nap!" just to keep the streak up. My opinion was always against the log book kind of logs and there have been times where I am still guilty of this!

I'd say that scrapping the whole "top streak thing" will probably make people stop logging tasks just to keep the streak up and actually log work/code/project related tasks and start using the rest days to keep the streak up.

The top streak in a way it's kind of a vanity thing and I'd like to see it get changed to something else - really like dehenne ideas - show latest Makers, courage box, random makers from the userbase that have been active.

The top streak box is a 5x3 box, perhaps we could divide it for these suggestions?

We could still have a leaderboard if folks want to but that would probably have the same effect as having the whole top streak box on the main page, but again dehenne suggestions to improve top streak algorithm could really help!

I enjoyed when Maker of the day was random and showed one maker per day, then it kind of got broken when we added the praise count to it (because there is always a handful of makers that always get praised a lot no matter what kind of logs they do).

Thoughts for the future

As dehenne mentioned, I also support social life at Makerlog. Like many of us that been part of the community for a long long time, we have seen the dynamics of the community shift from time to time. It will always happen in any community as the userbase grows, but some social interaction is lacking.

Telegram as all the action and the forum/discussion section doesn't get that much attention - sure telegram is more fire and forget. But there is a lot of noise with logging things through the bot (again this is my opinion!) but perhaps a shift towards the website could be beneficial for the makerlog brand?

We currently have the "Chat" window, one idea could be to use that to do something along these lines:

  • read messages from telegram (I'm assuming the bot does that already)
  • bridge them to that section
  • allow users to comment through the chat and the bot would say the commands with their username (it could also allow you to ban users to prevent misuse)

This, of course, might put more strain of the servers which is not ideal.

The praise will always be kind of broken (in any platform) because it matters how many people you follow and interact with. Perhaps we could leverage this feature with getting a similar "follow, following" system (I know you are working on implementing it again), but also keep track of interactions through the site like dehenne mentioned.

That way it could give another reason for folks to work on "building" that interactivity on the site (could be a badge/rewards as well).

Finally, on the community side, it could be good if we could create some meetups or something with the community and perhaps help folks to get started in creating more projects? This obvious will be hard work and you would need some sort of community champions (but it works with different brands like Twilio for example), I'd be more than happy to expand on that with all the examples I've been seeing on stream and another community I'm part of.

Again, I'm sorry for this huge rambling hope you can sort of follow along!


I have to say that for me, personally, the streaks don't really help much being productive. I like to work on whatever I feel like every day, which sometimes is nothing. Then, like others have admitted, you just get logs like "taking a nap".

Also, I understand that they're probably discouraging to newcomers. I'm not sure how to fix these issues, other than to remove the streak system entirely.

I also find keeping up with the Telegram group impossibly hard. There's always some conversation going on, and if there's not and you try to start one, it's likely to get interrupted by logs. That's my experience, at least. If I were the decision-maker here, I would probably choose to have people just DM the bot. Though I understand some people like logging in the group

Fajar Siddiq

I see this as the ecosystem of Makerlog. This platform is community driven from makers to launch to successful profitable products/projects or business.

We need more people to showcase on the homepage. This is based on Trophy Case what Sergio have added.

  • Most Popular On Streaks: Log tasked
  • Most Products Launched: In 1 month or 3 months
  • Most Helpful In Discussions: Replies and comments
  • Most Popular Collaborated Product: 2 or more people
  • Most Active Members: Use Makerlog always

Also like a progress bar for our users profile:

  • base on their 0-100% or time they started their project. (Progress bar maybe?)
  • I still love if we can showcase our custom pinned post on our makerlog profile from our logged task?
  • Example: those who have reached 1 year of streaks should received reward points, perks discounts to more products in the makerlog community. "Congrats Fajar 1 year of streaks!" here is your 100% discount on this xyz product.

So with the trophies they earn: like the streaks 🔥,

I like to see my product that i added on makerlog have like a progress bar to each product. From 0 to 100%? is a bit subjective. I like when it says Launched. But then you realize later on there will version 2,3,4 update launch.

Nihar Raote

A great idea. It makes more sense to shine the spotlight on new makers to encourage them on their journey. For me personally, the streaks don't do much. It will be better to use that spot on the page for someone who's new and would feel more motivated looking at their name on the front page.


Glad to announce this has been implemented with Rising makers. ;)


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