Free podcast hosting for the first 20 Makers

Hey guys,

Get free podcast premium hosting!

There are free podcast hosts out there like Anchor, but they don't include goodies such as:

  • API
  • Detailed analytics
  • Unbranded player for your site that lets people subscribe
  • A lot more coming, like selling goodies on your site and automated transcripts.

Host with me for free permanently. Email me at to get started.

Who is using it?

Some of the podcasts currently being published with my platform:

How does it look like?

Analytics Podcasts Episodes

Is this reliable?

Files are served via Amazon S3, Amazon Cloudfront and other Amazon Web Services, all of which are super reliable.

Database is hosted on Heroku and backed up automatically.

What if a bus runs over me?

If I were to stop the service, I promise to migrate your podcast to your platform of choice.

What if I already have a podcast?

The offer is also open to those of you who are on Anchor or another service and want to move your podcast to my service.

I've got a tool that let's me import existing podcasts using public RSS feeds.

Already have a podcast? Email me at and I can do the migration for you.

What do I need to do?

Just email me at

Why free?

Want to onboard more users to get more feedback.

Alex Edmonds

Sign me up!!

Simon Chiu

Oooo… I'm tempted. I've wanted to start a podcast for a few months now that Descript lets me easily edit my "umms" out of the audio.


Can I reserve this offer for the future? I think a "F*ck-ups" podcast might be fun 😅


@BarbarinoJulian What's holding you back?


@gabriel4649 mostly equipment and interviewing skills. But it might just be the nerves since I have never really interviewed someone in that way, kind of like my writing that I'm doing publicly do develop it might be interesting to develop those skills publicly too


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