What email service do you use for your projects?
I've been using Zoho for a while now but its interface can be frustrating and slow. I'd rather not use G Suite but can't find any other options that look much better than Zoho.
Usually, your domain name provider includes a free email inbox when you purchase a new domain. You can also try Fastmail, I only heard great things about them.
But if it is just the interface that frustrates you about Zoho, why don't you use their SMTP with a nice looking mail client like Airmail or Spark?
You know I completely forgot SMTP is an option for another client. And Zoho's pricing is pretty great.
I use a combination of multiple things, and they always seem to be changing.
For my brand and personal email I use G Suite, since I'm in there all day. I also get to use joe@masilotti.com
, which I absolutely love.
Transactional emails are usually done through Mailgun, mostly because their Rails integration is super straightforward and they have a generous free plan.
For marketing emails I've used Mailchimp until like a week ago. I switched over to MailerLite and have really been enjoying it. Setting up email forms is much easier and I really like their automations.
Yeah G Suite seems like the best out there. I was hoping there's some alternative that's as fast and easy to use since I'm already so invested in Google's ecosystem.
I use Fastmail. With a single account, I can easily create new addresses for all my domains and manage everything in a single inbox.
That's exactly what I'd use it for. How's the UI? Navigating long email chains is my biggest gripe with Zoho.
@keenencharles I like the UI more than Gmail because it is lightweight and loads very fast.
I use Fastmail both personally and for my projects. I have rules set up to redirect email coming from custom domains to keep things organised.
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