What inspires you?

Today I wanted to make a more personal question so we can get to know each other. To me, my inspiration is my mother. I hope to one day give her a lovely retirement. But now I want to know who or what inspires you and why?

Be sure to tag someone to hop into the discussion!

Josh Manders Staff

@sergio inspires me every day


Thanks, Josh. You inspire me too.

Josh Manders Staff

@sergio Yeah but you inspire me more.


My parents have always been supporting and I am forever grateful to them. So, yes, They inspire me too!


I'm inspired by many entrepreneurs in this community.

Also, when I feel frustrated, I get a ton of motivation from some of my favorite bands.

Being a musician is like being an entrepreneur, you are selling your music. However, it is much harder to make it as a pro musician than as a founder.

The level of passion, love and self-confidence required to strive and persevere to make a living out of music is tremendous.

So remember, your favorite bands had it much harder and they still made it!


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