Avatar generator released. Good/bad?
Working version of our avatar generator released: https://www.bulkhackers.com/avatar/
Would love to hear what people think.
Any thoughts? What's good/bad about the avatar creator we have put together? What would you improve?
It's kind of a pain having to build by opening each accordion tab and everything shifting about. You could make it so you flow through the process with the opportunity to go back and select an option if necessary. So to start with just present me with the options one by one with a next button to proceed to next section.
I'd say you probably don't need a gender option, I can't actually tell what it does. Just present all clothing and all hair styles etc. like Apple's Memoji designer does.
Thanks! That's super useful feedback.
We separated the genders because the face shapes aren't the same, so some hair etc. only feeds female/male.
+1 on the accordion UX.
Mouse hover preview would be nice. Click to commit. For e.g. the body it’s hard to imagine how this cropped part feels on the actual avatar so I have to click each to get a feeling.
I would like to see some preconfigured examples to see how it can look. And perhaps also to start with that and customize it.
Thanks! Preview is in the todo list, but haven't thought about preconfigured examples. That's a great idea!
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