[Prototype] What do you think about my audience focused landing page?

Hi Makers,

I already have a landing page, it's https://formcubes.com but its aimed for the general audience.

But my main market is agencies and freelancers who make simple static sites for their clients (like company profile for the local gym/coffee shop) who needs a form backend service to handle forms.

Therefore i planned to add a landing page dedicated for them and highlight my points why my service is perfect for them. Also i assume that they already know what service i about to sell, because form backend service is a crowded market and i already explain it in the homepage part.

Here is the prototype https://www.figma.com/proto/xvzzNHKJHuQr88sLiW1Mao/Formcubes-main-site?node-id=240%3A42&scaling=scale-down-width

What do you guys think? Especially about the layout, copy, and design?

Sorry this is just a rough prototype. Im sorry too if there are a lot grammatical mistake, i haven't have a time to ask my friend to proofread it.

*the smiley icon is just a placeholder

Thank you

I think you repeat yourself too much in the first three sentences. They pretty much all say the same thing.

I would try to add some visual explanation of what you are offering and highlight the features that are especially important for this group of customers.

Also the landing page is very raw, so it's really hard to give good feedback.

Irfan Gumelar Author

Thank you Felix for your input.

Could you advise me some good website that has a good visual explanation example?

Irfan Gumelar Author

Hi Felix, I just did my landing page, it's more polished than before. It would be great if can give it a look, your input before was valuable https://formcubes.com/for-freelancers-and-agencies.html

David Shawe

Did you go with the prototype in the end, the current site looks good. Great product idea too.

Irfan Gumelar Author

Thank you, David. I "finished" the prototype, this is how it looks like now https://formcubes.com/for-freelancers-and-agencies.html

David Shawe

@migumelar yeah bro. I visited your website. It looked great.

p.s did you know Makerlog uses markdown. So you can use

To Make Links πŸ”— 😜


Irfan Gumelar Author

@theshawe Thank you, I'm new here, big thanks for the tips, BTW how do you make the emoji? Do you on desktop or mobile phone when uses emoji?

David Shawe

@migumelar haha no worries. I only realised recently too. :)

I use desktop and I use emojipedia.org


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