What are your experiences with podcasting?

What are your experiences with podcasting?

To me, podcasting has grown on me. It's really nice to hear someone talk about a topic that interests you.

Podcasting has helped many grow their brands, and has helped me get inspired. What about you?

I tried to podcast once with the Shipcast, I found it wasn't for me. It was rather time consuming & scheduling was a bit of a pain.

That was my experience, at least on the creation aspect. I consume podcasts every once in a while though.

Would be interesting to see what @gabriel4649 & @kyle think, they're both building indie businesses based on podcasting.

Makers Rocket Author

Insterting take Sergio. I argree on the part, in which podcasting is time consuming. The Shipcast was a good podcast, when it started. I consume podcast whenever I can. Haven't in a while though


I haven’t made a podcast, but I do plan to eventually (Far future I think). Most of the podcasts I have enjoyed are the ones that have more than one person involved and they carry it out as a conversation opposed to many I have heard that go into it as if it were a lecture.


@BarbarinoJulian Yeah, there's a lot of bad podcasters out there. I've been on my fair share of podcasts -- some interviewers can really suck.

Pradip Khakhar

@sergio agreed learning to be a good interviewer is a skill that many (including myself) need to develop.


@pradipcloud you're pretty good at it, at least from the small interviews we've had. the worst ones are overpowering -- you can barely talk without them asking a question over you.

it's a one sided conversation and it's incredibly frustrating

Pradip Khakhar

@sergio You are too kind. I have a way to go. Studying some of the best and seeing what they do.

Makers Rocket Author

@pradipcloud I think that's me too. I have toruble sometimes, yet it's helping me alot


Feel free to reach out when you start your podcast. You can host it with me and I can help you get started :)


@gabriel4649 I love the idea!!!!

Pradip Khakhar

I do live streams every two weeks (or so). I enjoy it and it has given me the opportunity to chat with amazing product people.

Fabio Rosado

I've created a podcast called Landing in Tech where I talk with folks about their journey into tech. It has been an interesting experience, scheduling talks is a bit hard even with calendly and editing does consume a good amount of time.

But I enjoy listening to other people history so it has been a fun experience so far :D

Makers Rocket Author

That's aweasome! How's the podcastr going?

Fabio Rosado

@narrvv It's going really well. Had some issues finding time to record an episode last month, but this month I created a backlog so I have up to December covered haha

Makers Rocket Author

@fabiorosado Aweasome

Alex Edmonds

I like it, It helps me think and write


I run a podcast called Negocios Online where I interview successful founders of Internet companies. It that sounds familiar, it's because I'm doing something very similar to the Indie Hackers podcast, but in Spanish.

If you want to make a quality interview podcast it is a lot of work. For each interview you have to:

  • Find your interviewee
  • Pitch them on the interview
  • Research the interviewee, listen to their previous interviews and prepare questions
  • Remind them about the interview
  • Edit the episode e.g. add intro and outro, remove noise and other issues
  • Prepare promotional materials for the episode e.g. highlight clips
  • Write the show notes
  • Promote the episode on social media

However, I think it's worth it if what you are doing is aligned with your long terms goals.

At the moment, I don't have that many listeners, but I've developed some good connections with interviewees. Those connections are valuable enough for me to be glad I started the podcast. Also, I'm developing a podcast host and this experience has allowed me to dog food my own product. That's another huge value add for me.

As a listener, I consume a ton of podcasts and I love podcasts in general. I'm into a lot of niche topics and I love learning new information all the time. Thanks to podcasts, I don't feel like I'm wasting my time driving. With a good podcast, a traffic jam can melt away and I can have a great time haha

Makers Rocket Author

That's Aweasome! How's It's going? I argree with the research and notes part. Just managing posts or getting people can be really tough


@narrvv It's going well. Haven't focused a lot on growth, mostly on learning and doing quality content.


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