How do you keep track of your followers/subscribers count on all your accounts?

Hi Makerlog Community!

Here is my situation. Every time I work on a new side project I create a bunch of new accounts, i.e: Twitter for the product, a MailChimp (EmailOctopus or Convertkit) list to gather some emails, a GitHub Repo, or even a YouTube Channel or a TikTok account.

The question is, how all of you that are in similar situations, keep track of each account to see if their followers/subscribers/viewers are growing? I find it useful to track this to know if what I have posted/published is getting a good response, and also to grow my audience of that particular side-project.

I'm asking because I'm working on a side-project to solve this issue and I would love to gather some feedback from people facing the same issue. If someone is willing to help, it would be great if can answer any of these questions:

  • Is this a problem for you as well or just for me?

  • Which accounts do you usually use for your side projects?

  • What metrics do you find important to track (besides followers count)?

  • Would you pay for a solution that collects all this information in one place for you?

Thanks in advance for all your help!

Stefan W

I started to answer, saying that I use a nice tool from one of Makers, called to get counters about followers … then I realized, that you might know him quiet well :-)

Nicolas Granja Author

@altafino hahaha XD! Is great to hear that you like it and even recommend it to others haha. Yeap, that's exactly why I'm trying to gather more info, to see how I can improve it and add more value to it. Also, Stefan would you mind give me some feedback to add it as a testimonial to the landing page? I can reach you by telegram or Twitter but you have your dm closed.

Stefan W


Fajar Siddiq

I think doing it manual is best. Because you don't want to be creating too many things on the side project and get stuck for a long run and keeping everything organize.

You can simple create it on google sheet/airtable. then start by writing down on:

  1. Name of project
  2. Description of project
  3. Domain
  5. Subscribers
  6. Viewers
  7. list goes on
  8. list goes on
  9. list goes on
  10. list goes on

On creating a Digital Garden:


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