Your thoughts on this idea "TrueCompare - unbiased Compare"

TrueCompare - Unbiased comparision

Last day I was working on a product website for a client.

Similar to many other websites they needed a comparison of "Our product VS Product1 VS product2" etc. Where Product_1 is a competitor's product.

Trying to impress users to use their product - all positive/good features about there product were showcased

After reading more similar comparisons I found almost many product websites show a biased comparison, which is not 100% true. Trying to showcase all positive points about their products.

This is where "TrueCompare" might be useful.

The problem: Website showing a biased comparison

The Solution Community driven comparision - TrueCompare

Exploring solution

In TrueCompare visitors can:

  1. Select multiple products and it shows a comparison of features
  2. Pulls up rating & reviews from other websites like TrustPilot, Capterra, etc
  3. Add comparisons widget in their product website
  4. Upvote/Downvote a Comparision
  5. Contribute to comparison improvements
  6. Add their own product
  7. Pricing comparison

Your thoughts, will it be useful? Feel free to share your thoughts on it.


Nice thoughts!!

Nikhil Agrawal 🐎 Author

@kish2011_ Thanks kishor. Do you think it will provide some value to visitors?


It's a hard problem to solve so admire the effort.

You have the right idea that a community powered system is the answer if honesty and transparency is desired. However that is not altogether free from manipulation either which you will have to account for (paid reviews, review bombs etc).

It's then convincing people to show a widget on their website that they have no control over.

Surjith S M ✪

That's a cool idea Nikhil.

Currently, what most of the SAAS do is to highlight their USP (which is not the competitors) so the comparison is not 100% wrong. What they shown in the comparison is true while checking.

I also have to admit that I have found some websites showing unbiased comparison.

I have also found this site which relates to your idea:


That's really a good idea, user generated contents are really hard to control. If you can curate them properly this is gonna rock. Best wishes!


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