Flutter? AWS Amplify?
I'm trying to start a new mobile project with an idea that I have had for many years and I want to develop it utilizing new technologies so I can learn something new. I don't do a lot of mobile development but so far, I have used Android (in the Java times), Xcode (Objective C), Ionic Framework and React Native.
What are your thoughts on Flutter?
For the back end, I want to learn AWS Amplify. I have been using AWS heavily in my main job and this will help me to continue learning about AWS technologies. I'm specially interested on having my back end serverless and using Cognito, DynamoDB, among others.
Flutter looks cool, but I'm much more inclined towards React Native because of how ubiquitous JS is (and because I'm hella React fan).
I really want to use Flutter, but learning Dart for that stack only is just a no-go for me and a total waste of time.
@sergio I thought about that but Dart has a lot of similarities with Java and that's what I mostly do now.
And again, as explained before, the whole purpose of this project is to learn new technologies.
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