Looking for tool to create graphic "logos of services located as a circle"
Hi everyone.
Do you know how to create an image where will be logos of services located as a circle? Or some tool to do that? My use case - the 'integration' section on the landing page.
(Services - a few web analytics and marketing tools) Thanks!
Update: photo
I'm unsure what you're asking. Image?
@ostapbregin instead of an image better go for some css based solution. then you can provide info on hover, animate and provide a better experience to the user. If you share the landing page url i can suggest what to use.
@pramodpallath It's an interesting approach, thanks. At this moment, I don't have a landing page, I'll share when I'll build it (next week maybe)
@ostapbregin if you are looking for static image, then figma is the best around… it is very easy too… https://www.figma.com/file/ukhMT7C0JloVdkpMHGgFuY/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1
@pramodpallath Thank you!! I also know that Figma has SVG export, so it's 2x awesome
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