Which low-code tools do you use to create value for customers?

I'm very interested in any new/revolutionary/awesome tools in the low code space that you've used or heard about. I want to learn everything I can about tools and frameworks that save a lot of time and remove a big part of the hassle of creating products and businesses from scratch.

Most of all, I want to try to figure out: what will creating a business online look like in 2030?

Can you help me figure this out?

You can see a very early draft of an article I'll be publishing: The Low-Code Ecosystem

Please help out and discuss the tools you use to help your business move much faster.

Gabe Ragland

Even though I mostly use code, I try to take advantage of Zapier as much as possible to write less code (moving new stripe customers into mailchimp, etc). Also my product divjoy.com would be a good for for your app generators sections I think :)

Your article is looking great by the way. Happy to help share it in a few places that I think would get a lot of value from it.

David Miranda Author

Haha, nice, I was just looking for your tool, but I couldn't remember what it was called :) I just showed it to someone a week ago and they loved it — well done! It'd be awesome if you could share it around — that would be awesome!

Gabe Ragland

@panphora That's awesome to hear! Lemme know when it's ready to be shared. Can DM me (https://twitter.com/gabe_ragland) or email me at gabe.ragland@gmail.com

Micah Iverson

I use BugFeedr (https://www.bugfeedr.com), a tool I built to collect feedback from users. Makes it easy for my users to improve my services more than anything.

David Miranda Author

Thank you, that looks like a great tool. I'll look into it!


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