How do you guys price your products?
Hi again,
I've asked for feedback on my landing page a couple of times over on indie hackers and both times one or two people have questioned pricing.
I think I would rather price a bit high (as most makers tend to undervalue) and can always lower the price if needed.
Is there a general consensus?
Thanks for all your help again!
Always offer a free trial, with a top limit if you can. This way customers can get the full experience, then either get really invested and transition nicely to a paid plan, or they figure out it's not what they want and can leave (no questions asked)
Try for three tiers, with pricing anchored around your favourable plan. I launched a product with the main plan at $49, with two tiers either side, which made the main plan seem like the best deal.
Some people don't offer free trials as they want people to pay from day one. I'd rather have more people trying it out than not. I don't want potential customers not signing up because they are put off by a monetary figure rather than the product itself.
As for actual prices, that's the hard part 😊You have to go with a price you're happy charging for, what you think represents the value of the product and also what works for your target market. The $49 plan I mentioned previously was for a platform that creates revenue (subscription sales) for smaller magazines. It paid for itself pretty quickly. On the other hand, smaller magazine makers don't have lots of money lying around, so having a $199 price tag made no sense.
Don't be afraid to play with pricing either. I have changed pricing numerous times before, without problem. I wrote about my experience, if that helps.
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