Learned Swift in a week and launched my first Mac App in the Apple Store
Firstly, a huge thanks to raywenderlich.com and hackingwithswift.com without which I wouldn't have been able to complete Swift in a week. HackingwithSwift tutorials follow a straight-to-the-point approach without going into too much detail and are the best to get started with Swift. Now coming to Raywenderlich.com, they have some of the best articles on macOS and iOS development. Period.
Lastly, coming to my app, it's a macOS menu bar app that lets you draw on or annotate any screen and highlight your cursor. It is a useful tool for presentations, recording tutorials, capturing screenshots, working remotely, etc. Please, have a look and let me know your thoughts.
Website: https://presentify.compzets.com/
Mac App Store: https://apps.apple.com/app/presentify/id1507246666
Cool idea, I can imagine many cases where this could be useful. I would work on your landing page value proposition copy. I don't really need to know that it's a menu bar app etc. I would focus on the problem like: Give better presentations by annotating any screen (and highlighting your cursor) And I would make it bigger. https://www.julian.com/guide/growth/landing-pages
I'm a iOS / Swift dev and the product is great for one week of learning!
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