Blogging tool feedback
Hi, I have been using Netlify with Eleventy to have my personal blogs. Lately I am facing stability issues with the setup. I want to migrate to a better stable blogging platform so that I spend more time on writing. I did some research and found's DevBlog a good match. Though is good, but they don't provide custom domain mapping. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I'm working on building, a simple and minimalist blogging platform. Stay tuned - I'll be shipping an MVP soon.
Why not use WordPress? I don't understand. A static site is fast compared with a CMS like WP. However, you can focus on your writing. Also, there is a minimal setup with WP.
For some reason, I don't really like getting into Wordpress. I have today setup on hashnode, I can take advantage of the existing network (like I can make posts appear on their network right away) apart from owning it on my own domain. They also provide GitHub based backup. I love writing there. (not sure if the name servers migration is complete yet, so you might still see old website) is the blog page, you can see the simplicity.
Why not use CMS (self hosted)? It's both developer & end user friendly (beautiful text editor) and you can use it with eleventy so you can preserver your frontend:
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