Should I make an app that rolls up Slack messages into a daily digest?

IMO one of Slack's main problems—especially in larger companies—is there can be so many messages flying around that you're constantly distracted from work. You'd like to pay less attention but feel compelled to check channels with messages due to FOMO. This sucks and harms productivity.

So I've been thinking about building a tool that lets you set up a personal digest of channels you select. You'd then receive daily highlights from those channels. By doing so you could mute those channels and focus on work without FOMO.

Would you find this useful? If so what kinds of channels would you include in your digest?

Input appreciated!


I saw somewhere in the past a bot which would roll the messages into a daily or weekly newsletter, I thought it would be really cool - but only if the platform is self-hosted (the data portion at least) - I am sure too many people wouldn't be too happy having a random Slack bot read through all of the messages!


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