Some dev advice, please?
Hey guys, hope y'all are well.
I need some advice on++ where to start.++
The goal: **Be able to build a super simple Saas web app, when I get an idea for one. ** and a nice add on would be being able to connect API's and work confidently with Webhooks etc.
Here's the situation:
- I've been building mediocre Wordpress websites since I could use a computer. My HTML and CSS is pretty good.
- I'm a qualified Mechanical Engineer so I know a bit about how to code. We learnt some C as an introduction and did some entry level data handling etc. in MATLAB.
- My back-end knowledge is next to null.
- I've played around a bit with some Python.
The next logical step for me seems to be learning Javascript. But where to from there? It seems like such a big wide world of options.
What would your advice be on a learning path/stack which will get be to my goal (above) soonest?
The best thing to do is start. Don't let perfect get in the way of good. I suggest you follow along with some tutorials on youtube (netninja is good). After you have finished the tutorial keep building and rebuilding the same project until you can do it perfectly - then move on.
It can feel overwhelming at first because there is so much conflicting advice and too many possibilities. Just make a commitment to learn something new everyday and practice what you already know a lot and you will be good sooner than you think.
Start super small, don't set out to build some real project right away. Start with your basic CRUD functionality using whatever language you decide on, then build up from there as little mini tests. Once you feel confident, start building something real, and really small and go from there.
Hello Simon, I am a little confused and just want to clarify. You mention your goal is
"Be able to build a super simple Saas web app, when I get an idea for one."
There is no programming involved in a SaaS page. If you want to be a programmer then that is a different aim, if you want to build a business then use whatever tools are around you, less code the better. Getting started, talking to customers is most important.
Hey Sumit, I get that you can do that with no-code tools. But I want to get into the nitty-gritty. I want to be able to play with API's and build a custom web app, exactly how I want it, without paying someone a monthly subscription.
Essentially - I really love programming. My brain works that way. Being able to build a web app would be a cool spin off of learning to code properly.
Not sure if that makes sense.
@simonblogs In that case, is the goal really building profitable businesses or just programming for fun?
You must have that distinction clear. SaaS products optimize for validating as fast as possible with as littlest code as possible. Hobby products just go ballin' on the technical side.
@sergio thanks man. Sorry - we've gone down a rabbit hole a bit here.
I obviously didn't explain myself properly.
I want to get better at coding - that's the goal. Immediate requirements is more to do with API connections and being able to hook em up confidently. A further-down-the-road outcome would be being able to build a saas web app. What I want to know is the best path (stack) to learn to get there.
Soooo⦠where do I go after Javascript, basically?
@simonblogs All good! That sounds like a good goal.
After learning you just have to build stuff. It's going to suck at first. You'll get better at it.
Try building a Zapier alternative. Technically complicated and cool for learning how to use APIs. :)
@simonblogs If you want to hook up APIs and mash them up, finding new insights or simply combining data, then I suggest looking at the popular APIs, pickup the JavaScript libraries they make available and go from there. You will get example code too. Say Stripe API, etc.
@simonblogs Since you have a Mech background, C and played with Python, I highly (can not overstate this) recommend going with Python.
Most API companies support Python as their top 3 languages. Any company dealing with data sees Python as number 1 language to aim. Once you get the hang of wrangling data with Python you will not want to look elsewhere.
Lots of Uni degree courses are run on Python too, so it is easy to find resources.
On the programming side, since you've used Wordpress, if you've picked up any PHP along the way and want to learn more of the backend definitely check out Symfony and Laravel.
It's PHP, so the core is the same, but it's nice to work with, and there's a great ecosystem around the two, if you're wanting to learn about that side of things.
@simonblogs I've not used Laravel much, but Symfony lots. I've always had the impression that Laravel is easier to get started on and the ecosystem is better, but Symfony shines in developing more complex apps with solid TDD and flexibility.
Both are probably really good choices!
Hey, the best way to achieve your goal would be to learn JS basics and brush up on HTML and CSS. Then choose a stack. MERN or MEAN stacks i.e. MongoDB, ExpressJS, and Node along with React or Angular. You will also need basic knowledge of deploying your app on platforms like GitHub pages and Heroku. If you are going to build mobile apps React Native or Ionic depending on the stack you chose previously.
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