How are you approaching HN / ProductHunt launches?
I know that both sites are wary of directed upvotes, which kind of suggest I shouldn't even ask my friends to upvote. Nevertheless, it seems logical to ask communities I'm active in to support me during the launch, just like I did with others.
How do you approach this?
I've written some thoughts down around this: It's part of a newsletter I'm planning on doing once my laptop is working proper again.
Happy to answer any questions that come up! Maybe it takes a bit time as I'm less frequently online atm.
it's soft of dumb but most communities allow you to say "hey, im on product hunt today - check it out" but you can't say "please vote for me" - so you just have to be a bit subtle I guess :)
Believe in Karma, contribute to the community, make real friends, don't ask for support, but when the launch comes you'll get your karma back at you.
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