user can customise Menu
- hardcode and test Color and Font settings
- create Menu Settings page
- create Menu Settings page
Kitchen orders
- user can mark and update pending orders as 'Done'
orders for the kitchen
- order serializers
- display order data
- UI for order data
- display order data
- UI for order data
process payment with Stripe
create Payment form
create Order model (backend)
user can add or subtract quantity per item ordered
show Total price
display Cart button and total quantity ordered
user can change item quantity
public Menu view
create Menu page
user can print QR codes
another wonderful library that has helped speed up development
user can add or subtract number of tables in QR Code modal
display QR code
no need to reinvent the wheel. used this v cool library
Carl Poppa ๐ธ
hahahaa yeah i don't think anyone does ๐ was just being sarcastic Lol
user can delete Outlet, Category, and Menu Item
user can update Menu Item
show Menu Item data in modal
show Menu Item modal
show categories and menu items
still playing around with React. learning a lot and making good progress!