Frameworkless.js is a tutorial series to help get you up and running with your own awesome app built almost entirely from Node.js and plain, vanilla javascript.
respond to a cool chat in the telegram group
get mentioned by a Gulf tech influencer
get merged into sindresorhus's amesome-nodejs list
design rough outline for new landing page
upload replay for stream 6 to youtube
finish streaming the series!!!
build landing page for stream 6
write slides for stream 6!!!
Schedule tweets + Linkedin posts for stream 5
Build landing page for stream 5
Ready the email for stream 5
stream number 5: frontend love
Build slides for stream 5
change stream category so it shows up on shipstreams
book skype room for stream
create and publish the frameworkless/responder package
Find a coworking space in Sanur, 🇮🇩 to stream from
create slides for part 4 stream
make landing page for stream part 4
finish writing + publish module on npm
schedule a tweet for episode 4
modify blogsend settings so they match lesson CTA button
Put together slides for part 3 lesson: FORMS!
make a twitter account and follow some people for the product we're building in the course