develop the meetings REST endpoints
watch a video about feathersjs
scaffold the realtime API
Implement adding buddies to the user's list
add buddies list item to the side navigation
properly position context menu dropdowns on eneity items in the meeting page
had to do some manual positioning w/ getBoundingClientRect() and calculations with "position: fixed".
next steps improvements on the UI
show counters on the notes/next steps sections
Meeting page ui improvements
add notes/next-steps buttons to the meeting output navigation
migrate to pg-promise (lp)
do some project tasks reorganization in trello
resolve an issue with the subscription form on the landing page
use pg.native to prevent db crashes on stale connections
UI is getting sexy!
progress on the meeting input + convert controls
introduced meeting input/output as two separate sections on the meeting page
scaffold the sidebar [new ui]
redesign the dashboard
rethink the user dashboard UX
migrate to tailwind - custom css geting out of hand already
Expand SEO knowledge
Will be needed a lot for, so better prepare for it.