Find a niche and profit.
on subscription page, let lifetimers know they are on the lifetime plan
start coding lifetime token system for appsumo sale
write blog, and youtube gpt-3 prompts
wrote instagram and twitter prompts
push new twitter and instagram prompts to prod
make tasks dynamic so i can load them via a CMS
write quick cdn cache invalidator
tested varnish, dont need it right now
add load balancer with 3 nodes
write fb christmas post gpt-3 prompt
make it so we can push gpt3 prompts between dev -> stg -> production
make it so that recommendations types are dynamic and not hard coded
add ebay as a business type
add Amazon as a business type
add reddit and producthunt to marketing plan generator
push marketing plans to prod, update vercel image generator for marketing plan og:image thumbnails
ability to edit google / facebook ad copy
marketing plan generator, add facebook and google ads copy generation
clean up title tags to make analyizing Google Analytics easier