
Serverless Background Tasks

Added the Infrastructure provisioning consumer on

`k8s-updater` is a process that creates or updates the user's namespace consumers on my Kubernetes cluster. Basically, I launch an event named `update-infra` and this process updates the necessary infrastructure on a Kubernetes cluster so all User's consumers are running.

Created an endpoint to obtain the TypeScript typings of Message schemas

- Created an endpoint on the backend to convert from JSON schema that defines the event payload to TypeScript so SDK users can benefit from type definitions.
- ALso started the UI section for Message Types.

Created NextJS wrapper.

[@runhare/next]( Is a wrapper around [@runhare/node]( SDK to allow NextJS apps to quickly consume RunHare events.

The wrapper is already been put to good use in the RunHare App itself.

Added Google Analytics to web app.

codexsw Author

Used this blog post as guide:


Make sure to show GDPR banner!


Finished the NodeJS version of SDK

The finished version is on NPM

The NodeJS SDK allows developers to quickly publish and consume type-safe, secure event messages.
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