
A description language for describing Statecharts or StateMachine that later can be used to generate code or just transpile it into another format.

Refactor custom option implementation * Derive enum of the custom option from strum crate * Trim-space the error-messages in smcat transpiler

Move generating shell completion at run-time * Remove compile-time generator (build.rs) * Add root level arg for --shell-completion * Enable colored --help

Fix duplicate warnings warning duplicated on transition with same event name although it has same current state

Fix gh-action `Smoke tests` Update entrypoint.sh Fix `Testing` workflow Add another $PATH in .github/enrtrypoint.sh Hopefully it will fix gh-action `Smoke tests` Fix example submodule not fetched Limit git-submodule only on `Smoke tests` Fix example submodule not fetched Fix example submodule not fetched Fix example submodule not fetched