Basile Samel

writing/making/coding shokunin

finish Board view CRUD

A user can add/remove docs and nested subdocs for a given writing project.

work on CRUD

Ditching the RxDB library (poor doc) to use barebone PouchDB with plugins.

play with AMP and snowpack configs

AMP is disappointing at best. The time-to-interactive is nowhere near as fast, nor the bundle size as lightweight as a Svelte equivalent.
I managed to implement SSG with Snowpack + Rollup and reduce the bundle time by tens of seconds though. I need to see how it scales to hundreds of static webpages, but the developer experience is muuuuch nicer and the bundle config is 90% smaller.

30 min Letters to a Young Writer + 30 min 3 Months to NΒ°.1: The Nonsense SEO Playbook